Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pumpkin Envy

You may remember that I planted pumpkins earlier this year - a lovely breed called 'Potimarron Pumpkin'.   It was fairly expensive, at close to $1 per seed and Diggers no longer seem to stock it on their site. 

So I was heartbroken when my wee pumpkin vine caught the powdery mildew disease and died.

Meanwhile, at my Mother's place, there is a pumpkin patch that is wild with a pumpkin vine that just grew when she threw some seeds from a dinner pumpkin in there.   They've had so many little pumpkins started on this healthy vine and even if most never grow large or get stolen by mice, it's still a darn site better than having a spindly vine with droopy mildewed leaves. 

I officially have pumpkin envy.

1 comment:

  1. If you lived nearer I would share my pumpkins... we still have a big one to eat. Just about sick of eating the things!!
