Sunday, November 28, 2010

How does your Garden Grow? (Dec 10)

Things gone right:

I have corn! Little silky threads peeping out from halfway down the plant. I'm so excited to watch the growing process of a plant I've never seen up close before.

My watermelon seedlings are also coming along nicely.

The nasturtiums I repotted when they were on their last legs have thanked me by growing madly and giving forth the most glorious flowers. (Note to self- eat more salads so I can use the flowers before they wilt.)

The sage I planted a few weekends ago have now germinated while the thyme seeds from a month ago have finally shown some growth.

The poor Rhubarb plants which suffered badly in the recent floodings (no drainage holes in their pot) have started to bounce back. I love to observe the pretty blushing of their stalks...

The white pettipan squash seeds planted in my recent plant-athon has sprouted with the rapid growth I have come to expect from large-seed plants. I never cease to wonder at the act of germination and how one plant may take days while another takes weeks.

The basil I planted in July has finally gone to seed. The flowers are so pretty and apparently edible, though I haven't given it a try yet! Does anyone know what point I should stop eating the leaves on a basil plant gone to seed?

Things gone wrong which I haven't taken photos of are:
  • The big gaping holes in the leaves of my struggling sunflower plants.
  • The bare lemon drop tomato plant in the front yard which has been attacked by green bugs and grubs.
  • The disgusting mould that took one of my zucchini plants.
  • The weird purple mould on the lucern hay I use as mulch in both the front and back gardens.
  • The toppled pot of freshly sewn chives seeds with dirt and seeds spilled. (A local cat or possum?)
  • The two tomato plants in the back yard that are hanging on to life enough for me to keep them but not offering up any sign of flowering or fruit for the last month.
  • My frustrated face when I want to buy a deep planting trough to lay out some carrot seeds but can't because Christmas eats my money.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Very Gardeny Weekend

Though I did other things this weekend, such as making kiwi-fruit jam and some cross-stitch, it seems what I have done the most this weekend is garden.

Capsicum seedlings
Nasturtium seedlings
Marigold seedlings

Seeds planted:
Summer flower mix
Zinnia flowers
Rockmelon (hales best)
White pattipan squash
Bronze fennel

Thinned out:

Phew! No wonder I feel that contented kind of tired you feel after a good dose of physical work.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Sanity Day

Yesterday I took a day off work to relax and get my sanity back in balance.

And what did I do?

Washing, wash-up dishes, bake cookies, bake cake, bake bread, make yogurt, clean house, gardening, embroidery while watching Alys Fowler's 'The Edible Garden' and spent time with my kittens. I feel happily grounded, sorted and neatened again.

I found nasturtium flowers growing on my young plants, as well as three gorgeous big sunny, yellow ones on my zucchini plant. I grabbed a paintbrush and attempted to assist the pollination process with the zucchinis. I sure hope it helps because I'm dying to get some vegetables growing.

We finally bought a mower so our yard now looks like a lawn rather than a meadow. I preferred the wild meadow style until a particular weed with little seeds that attach to everything started getting out of control. We now have a small mountain of grass clippings and no compost to put them on.

Jam drops with difference conserves -
raspberry, cape gooseberry & fig with ginger