All my life I have relied on an electric alarm clock to go off to wake me or at least show me the time in bright red lights so I can ensure I don't oversleep. It has been turned off for the last week.
Below is a picture of the reason I now wake up anytime from 4:40am - 5:30am.
Partly this is responsibility driven. I know kittehs need their breakfast. I know they will continue to mew insistently outside the bedroom door until they wake Rhys who needs more sleep than I. I know I have lunch to make and pack, breakfast to have, bins to put out etc. In the future I'll also need to feed chickens and maybe do some morning garden watering.
In another way the choice is out of my hands. I will be woken by the door meows. If the door is already open (or I wake long enough to open the door and crawl back into bed) I will have a kitten snuffle at my ear/nose/eyeball/forehead and I'll open my eyes to see a pair of big hopeful kitten eyes plainly saying "wake time nao plz."
And over time the early waking has become a pleasure. Time to relax, have breakfast, enjoy the quiet world, play with kittens, type up blog entries...
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