These days I always do meal planning first because no matter how cheap beetroots are per bunch, if you have nothing to do with them it's a waste of money and food! On the menu for this week is Tuna Risotto, Fetta and Tomato Salad and, lastly, Roasted Red Capsicum Tarts.
A quick trip to the local fruit and vegetables market and $15 later I had all the vegetables and fruit I needed.
Then.... the supermarket, a place where Rhys no longer treads with me. Why could this be?
To illustrate the whys of this situation I thought I'd make a list of what I bought in Woolworths today and why I bought each item.
AO = Australian Owned
AM = Australian Made
S$ = On special
- Hercules bin liners - got excited that degradable bin liners existed. Spent some time comparing brands offering degradable bags - none AO or AM. S$
- Archibald Honey - Glass (recyclable) jar. AO and AM (other AO company in glass jar was using imported honey). Bulk size. S$
- Devondale UHT Milk (for my next yogurt making attempt) - I find it hard to determine in Devondale are AO and AM - (it says so on their butter products but not their milks?). Tetra pak is recyclable. 1L to prevent wastage.
- Cedel Toothpaste - Only AO, AM toothpaste on the shelves. I dithered for about 4 minutes determining if it was a waste of money (same price for small tube as for a large Colgate tube) and if Rhys would shun an unknown brand.
- Bundaberg Brown Sugar - Determined that it was AM and the only other brand CSR is also AM but neither appear to be AO. So looked at location of production and decided Bundaberg QLD was closer than VIC (CSR) and so was less travel miles to get to me. Larger size as it was cheaper per 100g and meant less packaging.
- South Cape Fetta - Low Fat. AM.
- South Cape Parmesan - more expensive than other brands but only AM that I could find.
- Pampas Shortcrust Pastry - Low Fat. S$. (This is my one regretful purchase because as I was unpacking later I realised that I could have made shortcrust pastry myself easily enough and prevented the unecessary plastic packaging.
- Mirabella Light Bulb - AO. Will plant a tree for every bulb purchased. CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) uses less energy, lasts longer than incandescent bulbs.
- Nestle Condensed Milk - Low Fat. Buy 3 for $6 - S$. Purchased these as a start to my stockpile (buying non perishables when they are cheap on sale.)
And that level of anal retentiveness, good people, is why Rhys (and most other people) won't grocery shop with me anymore.
I don't think everyone should have to put that amount of thought and deliberation into their grocery shopping but I do think our environment, economy and health would be in a better way if we all did.
Oo shiney new blog layout. I like!
ReplyDeleteDarling do you own a food processor? I have an oh so easy 2 minute short crust pastry for you - sweet or savoury... Just chuck everything in and mix until it clumps together.
This is a sweet one (note I always use raw sugar in place of any other sugar mentioned - worked fine... only thing is can't think how to use the left over egg white - oh, and it made enough for about 15 little fruit mince pies)
And here is a savoury one, but I haven't tried this one out yet.
Also, have you heard that the US have LED light bulbs now. Great because the new light bulbs are even worse for the environment than the old ones due to their production methods and they don't stand up to turning on and off very well so I'm replacing bulbs about 5 times as much these days, but LEDs use hardly any power and last so much longer.
*nod nod* I've also made a very lovely sage, onion and apple pie once with a home-made pastry crust. Oh goodness my mouth waters just thinking of it! But I've never made sweet shortcrust pastry. Perhaps a lemon-meringue pie is is order? ;D
ReplyDeleteI recently bought an awesome book "The CSIRO Home Energy Saving Handbook" which mentioned the LED lights but said that they tend to use more energy than CFLs for the same level of lighting.
I think maybe another reason that CFLs don't last as long as they aught to is that people (myself included!) use them in covered/enclosed light fittings when they are a bulb that requires ventilation. Also, what I see as the big problem with CFLs is that they contain a little bit of mercury but because the average person doesn't know that they get thrown out with the garbage and protective measures aren't used when cleaning up broken CFL bulbs. Yikes!
I'm really looking forward to seeing the LED light bulbs advance until they're the better option than CFLs. This will make me a happy Cat!