Lush are a company with a conscience. They won't buy any ingredients from companies that test on animals. Nearly all of their packaging is in paper, which they encourage you to throw on your compost heap once used. They use fresh and natural ingredients and avoid putting preservatives or possibly harmful chemicals in any of their handmade products. You can see more about their company ethics on their website:
I chose the Lush Oxeo Cube because of it's size, smell and texture. Lush carry a range of natural deoderants, some a hard, soap-like bar, others powder based. All of them smell WOW but the Oxeo Cube had a luxurious floral smell that I appreciated more than its sister product, the tea-tree cube.
The cube is a palm-sized lump of powder pressed into shape, held together by a yellow-wax back. The instructions say to rub into the armpits, preferably after just showering. At $10.50 I was willing to give it a try so I could get rid of my current roll-on deoderant.
First use:
I used the bar as suggested, directly after showering. I got a slight stinging/burning sensation in the area the bar had been used for about 10 seconds but I am not sure if this is linked to the fact I had just shaved my armpits before getting out of the shower. The smell was lovely and lasted all day, despite a great deal of hurrying and stress. It is currently Winter and so there is obviously less sweating happening than in the Summer months. I'll be interested to see if the bar performs as well when its hotter.
I'm going to give this a week of use to see if the stinging/burning is linked to shaved 'pits' or is a reaction my body is having to one of the ingredients.
How did you go with this. Is it still stinging? I am too scared to try this stuff because the smell of the store is off putting. I am allergic to just about everything and am scared the store itself will give me a reaction. lol