Sunday, April 18, 2010

1 Million Women - 1000 kg reached on personal goals

I'm not usually one for joining campaigns but the 1 Million Women campaign sparked my interest.

I believe I was attracted the fact that the campaign recognises the importance and power of women's decisions in the home, especially when all working towards a common goal.

So I joined, I set up my activity register and then I waited a few weeks before marking my progress on some of the activities.

I will admit that I chose some activities that I had already implemented around the house (like buying 10% green power, installing water saving shower heads and power saving light bulbs) but I didn't feel I should lose out because I had taken the steps earlier than the project came in!

So I haven't REALLY made sudden changes to my life in the last 3 weeks to save 1000kg of carbon emissions as per the info below.... but I have over the last few months AND I've set some new goals that I'm working towards due to the campaign.

Tuna and Potato Pot Pie

I originally intended to make my mum's 'fish cakes' recipe but found I had no mayonnaise in the fridge. Instead I boiled and mashed up potato to help bring the tuna mixture together into patties. At the point of cooking them I decided that I wasn't keen on frying in oil and butter but would rather bake them for a healthier finish.

A new recipe was created!

Tuna & Potato Pot Pie

  • 185g can of tuna in brine, drained
  • 3 medium potatoes, peeled & chopped
  • splash milk
  • 1/2 tsp butter
  • 1/2 onion chopped finely
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • splash lime juice (lemon juice could be substutited)
  • 3/4 cup breadcrumbs
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • 1/2 cup cheese

Preheat oven to 180 degrees (c).
Boil or steam potatoes until soft. Mash the potato with the milk and butter until of a smooth consistency.
Mix tuna, potato, onion, egg, breadcrumbs and lime juice togther in a bowl. Combine well.
Spoon mixture into ramkins (4 - 5 depending on size of your ramekins).
Place a tomato slice on top of each pie and top with a sprinkling of cheese.
Put ramekins on a flat cookie tray and bake in the oven until the cheese is browned.

If eaten fresh from the oven, keep in the ramekin. I refrigerated leftoever pies overnight. The next day I was able to pop them out of the ramekins to reheat.